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⌐ 1994-1995 BY DAVID S. NAYLOR
Release Version 1.5 - August 10th 1995
Welcome to Proteus, this program was originally written for personal use
only, but after working on it for a long time I decided to improve it and
release it into the Public Domain. This is the first program I've released.
Proteus is a pools predictor and football database. You can do all the
usual things that a pools predictor does, enter results, look at tables
and make predictions, with Proteus you can look at the statistics for every
team stored, look at Super Stats (I couldn't think of a better name!) which
finds the best and worst teams from all the leagues, things like highest/
lowest goal scorers and team with most/least wins.
Proteus also includes a fully functional League and Team Editor.
You can have between 1 and 12 leagues and up to 288 teams.
When Proteus first loads it will try to load Proteus.config, this file
contains the names of all the leagues and teams to use. This file should
be in the same directory as Proteus, if it is not found you will be
notified and Proteus will create five blank leagues each containg ten teams.
LOAD - Load a datafile containing data from results.
A file requester will appear, so you can find a datafile to load, the
default file should be called PoolSave, but you can name your own file
whatever you want.
SAVE - Save a datafile containing data from results.
A file requester will appear so you can pick the destination of the save
file and change its name if you want.
LEAGUE EDITOR - Edit the leagues and teams.
Edit the number of leagues , league names, the amount of teams, the team
names, points for a win, promotion places, play off places and relegation
Any changes will remain until you reload Proteus or load a new
configuration file.
If you need to you can use the League Editor at anytime even during the
Load config - Load a new configuration file.
The configuration file contains the league and team names as well as league
attributes. This function is just like the Load function on the main menu,
but the file name should end with .config (They're easier to recognise this
way). When first loaded Proteus tries to load Proteus.Config from the same
directory as the main program, if your new configuration is named something
else then you must load it manually.
Remember to use the correct configuration file with the loaded datafile,
if they don't correspond then the data will be useless.
Save Config - Save a configuration file.
Just like Save from the main menu. Usually the file name will end with
.config. If you want this configuration to load on start up then call
it Proteus.Config and put it in the same directory as Proteus.
Edit League Details - Choose a league from the list, then the league data
will be shown, if you click on the league name it will be erased and you
can enter a new name, this is useful when the league gets a new sponsor
or you've added a new league, if you press RETURN without entering any
data the old league name will be used.
You can change the amount of teams (minimum 6 - maximum 24), points for a
win (usually 3, but some countries might have a different scoring system),
amount for teams to be promoted, amount for relegation and play off places
by clicking on the amount and then changing it.
If for the Team amount you enter a number that is lower than the current
amount you will be asked to delete some teams. If you select a number that
is higher the new teams will be called NEW TEAM until you change their name.
Edit Teams - Edit the names' of the teams.
Select a team and it's name will be erased, you can now enter a new name,
if don't enter anything and you press RETURN the old team name will be
used. This useful for new leagues or for the start of a new season.
Sort Teams - If you've just changed the names of some of the teams in the
league you can sort the league so the teams are in alphabetical order, this
makes them easier to find when entering matches.
Delete League - Erase this league completely, this erases teams and league
attributes as well as team results data.
If you only have one league you cannot delete it.
Change League - Select a different League to Edit.
Exit - Go back to the League Editor Menu.
Number of Leagues - Minimum 1 - Maximum 12.
Click on the amount and change the value, if you select less leagues all
the leagues above your number will be erased.
If you want to delete a specific league then select 'EDIT LEAGUE DETAILS'
and then select 'DELETE LEAGUE', if you enter a higher number then the new
leagues will be called NEW LEAGUE and will contain 10 teams called NEW TEAM
until you change its name and edit the team names.
Swap Leagues - Swap one league with another. You can do this as many
times as you need to, if you have finished swapping leagues then select
Obviously you cannot swap leagues if you only have one league.
Exit - Go back to the Main Menu.
If you have not Saved your configuration, you will be asked if you want to
save the current configuration, you can select Okay to Save and Cancel if
you don't want to save the new configuration.
You will not be asked again unless you go back to the League Editor.
RESULTS - Enter some results.
You will be presented with a list of all the available leagues, when you
select one you will be shown all the teams in the league, select two teams
and enter the score for each team, after you enter the result you will be
asked to verify it to make sure you didn't make a mistake, you can select
YES if everything is fine, NO if the score is incorrect or WRONG TEAMS if
you accidently selected the wrong teams, all this is to make sure that
Proteus as all the correct information. To use a different league select
CHANGE LEAGUE if you want to leave results select EXIT.
You can enter as many results at one session as you want, so if you have
two weeks worth of results to enter you don't have to reboot.
The tables are automatically updated as well as the teams' form.
Remember to save your data after entering results.
SEASON - Enter Season's results data for a team.
If you start using Proteus Mid-Season you can enter a team's league data
(you must use a table featuring seperate Home and Away data, these are
usually found in Sunday newspapers) so Proteus can use the relevant
information for its predictions, also you can enter deductions for teams
that have been penalised, these are usually shown on all tables. To change
the values select the appropiate box and enter the new data, this will be
updated automatically, the amount of games played can not be changed
The current team data will be used.
The gagdets represent:-
The two columns are for seperate Home and Away games.
(W)ins, (D)raws, (L)osses, Goals (For), Goals (A)gainst and Deductions
To change the data of another team from the same league
select CHANGE TEAM, if you want to change the data of a team in a different
league select CHANGE LEAGUE and select a team.
To Exit Select EXIT on the SEASONS RESULTS page or on the teams pages.
This function does not affect the form of the selected team, so if you are
using this because you entered one or two wrong results then you should use
RESCUE (see below) instead.
RESCUE - Undo a Wrong Result.
If you entered a wrong result Proteus will change the form of both teams
involved and this will decrease the accuracy of the predictions as well as
mess up the league table. Rescue being opposite to RESULTS will take away
the result.
Use rescue the same way as you would use RESULTS.
PREDICT - Ask Proteus for predictions.
As long as you have at least 22 teams you can ask Proteus to make
Unlike most prediction programs, Proteus will not predict the outcome of
individual matches, with Proteus you must enter all the matches then you
can view the the closest games, this guarantees that you have enough
'draws' for your pools coupon.
First you must enter the amount of matches to be calculated, then select a
league and enter the matches, if you want to select teams from a different
league then select CHANGE LEAGUE, if you decide not to continue entering
matches you can select ABORT, but be warned if you select ABORT no
predictions will be made. You can view the matches you've entered at any
time by selecting VIEW FIXTURES.
After you've entered all the matches you can view the closest matches, you
can select between 10 and 25 of the closest matches to view.
If you don't use all the leagues in Proteus that are on the pools coupon
then don't worry about the numbers corresponding, Proteus shows the match
numbers and teams using the numerical order you entered them in.
If you want to print out the predictions select PRINT, make sure your
printer is connected and switched on.
At the start of the season the predictions probably won't be very accurate,
but they should improve as the season progresses.
I suggest you view the predictions for at least a few weeks before deciding
whether or not to use them for your pools coupon, after all it's your
money and I wouldn't want you to risk it if you don't fell you can trust
TABLES - View the league tables.
Choose a league and the table will be calculated, the table is not stored
to save memory, you can print the table by selecting print, again make
sure your printer is connected and switched on.
The tables show the league placings and information such as the teams in
promotion and relegation places also deductions for any team that has been
If the promotion,play off and relegation places are out of date then you
can alter them with the League Editor(see above).
STATISTICS - Individual Team Statistics.
View the statistics of one team at a time, you can view ALL statistics
which is both Home and Away statistics combined or you can select to view
seperate HOME or AWAY statistics, if you want to view another team's
statistics then select TEAM, if the team is in a different league then
select LEAGUE and then choose a team. Select EXIT to leave.
I included statistics so people could examine how well a team is doing,
looking at the league tables don't always tell the full story, but
statistics do. Here you can hopefully find out why Proteus has selected
certain teams to draw.
If Proteus doesn't give good predictions then why not have a go yourself,
by examining the team's statistics and deciding how closely matched the
teams are.
SUPER STATS - Find the best and worst teams from all leagues.
You can find information such as Highest and Lowest goal scoring team from
all divisions, you can also find the team with most and least goals
conceeded, wins, draws, defeats and goalkeeping clean sheets.
Proteus will list up to five teams with the highest amount or show how many
teams have the most or least amount if there are more than five equal teams.
At the start of the season many teams will be equal.
Super Stats only uses teams that have had SOME results entered with RESULTS,
if a lot of information has been entered using SEASON then this will have a
negative effect on the statistics shown, except for statistics concerning
Proteus shows how many matches have been played to achieve the statistics,
so it's not unfair to teams in small leagues for not scoring many goals
or to teams in bigger leagues for not keeping many clean sheets.
Super Stats probably won't help much, but some people will find the
information interesting.
ABOUT - Information about Proteus Pools Predictor.
NEW - Choose to erase some data.
If you select LEAGUES all league data will be erased, 5 new leagues will
be created called NEW LEAGUE each containg 10 teams called NEW TEAM.
You can change the names of the leagues and teams with the LEAGUE EDITOR
(see above.)
If you select DATA all the teams results data will be erased.
Select Cancel if you don't want to erase anything.
QUIT - Leave Proteus.
You will be asked to verify your decision just in case you haven't saved
your data, you can select YES to quit, NO to continue using Proteus or
SAVE to save your data before exiting.
Proteus is written in AMOS which means if you want to switch between
Workbench and Proteus you must use Left Amiga and A to switch screens.
If you press the b key on the main menu of Proteus the screen will go
blank, don't worry this isn't a bug, it's a screen saver, if you move the
mouse or press a key the main menu will reappear.
Included in this release are the results data of the 94-95 Season, all
information was entered during the season except fot the Scottish League
Division 3 which was added after the end of the season. Most of the data
is correct but due to input errors and a small bug (now removed) which
didn't store away no score draws there is some incorrect data. To view
this data go to the League Editor and select Load Config then load
Proteus(94-95).config, go back to the main menu and select Load, select
Poolsave(94-95). This will give you an idea of the statistics capabilties
of Proteus.
This program is still in development (forever it seems!), any improvements
that can be made will be made(as long as they're not too big), so if you
have any bug reports or suggestions then please let me know, I WILL remove
any bugs found and any ideas that are viable I will incorporate and give
credit where it's due.
There probably won't be another release of Proteus unless there are major
changes, I included the League Editor so I wouldn't have to release a new
version every year.
If you have any success using Proteus I would like to hear about it, I'm
not asking for anything, but if you do have a big win then I wouldn't say
'no' to a small gift :-).
On the other hand if you never have any success with Proteus (why use it?)
then I really wouldn't appreciate any hate mail and I definately will not
refund your losses.
The picture of the footballer on the main menu screen was not drawn by me,
it is infact a piece of Clip Art from the MAY 1994 CU Amiga coverdisk.
Requestfile is from Workbench 3.0, it uses the ASL.library, so make sure
it is installed in LIBS.
Requestfile is run by AMOS Execute routine written by Franτois Lionet.
Send Bug Reports, suggestions, comments to :-
David S. Naylor
E-mail address - proteus@ancient.demon.co.uk
Paper mail (snail mail to some)
25 Victor Rd
West Yorkshire
V1.5 (August 10th 1995) - First Release, no known bugs.